To be read aloud on stage by yours truly.
Things I Used To Think
1. I could craft a life out of individual pieces.
2. Love is a feeling.
3. Aghast is pronounced “ag-HAST.”
Assumptions I Used to Hold that I Didn’t Realize Were Governing My Behavior
1. There is a right person and a wrong person in a conflict.
2. Conflicts are about establishing truth.
3. If a certain person likes me enough, it’s okay if I don’t join in that opinion.
4. Everything will work out for me, so I don’t have to try too hard.
Things I Still Think Sometimes But Try Not To
1. What people think matters.
2. I’ll be happy if I XYZ by 123.
3. There is more to life than relationships.
4. There is more to relationships than their essence.
5. There is more to essence than grace.
What I Suspect
1. Story is everything.
2. The parts of my humanity I dislike most have the most to teach me.
3. Hafiz, Kurt Vonnuget, and Antoine St. Exupery died happy men.
What I Think It’s About
1. Forgiveness.
2. Occasionally quoting Don Henley.
3. Laughing.
4. AS
6. AS
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